


2445 -第三大道南

重要提示: Public access to this meeting will be available both at the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心 and through remote access.

会议将在 在SPSTV上直播 and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), 波26(标准清晰度)和695(高清), 和世纪链接8008(标准清晰度)和8508(高清). 通过电话收听,请拨打206-800-4125,并使用会议ID 723 600 777 #. This phone number and Conference ID will also be used by those who sign up to provide public testimony through the process described on the Agenda below.

所有 in-person attendees must adhere to any health and safety protocols communicated onsite. Please do not come to the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心 if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever (100.4 F); chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; recent loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; or diarrhea.

I. 召集——下午4:15.m.

  1. 对观众的一般性欢迎公告
  2. 点名

II. 负责人意见 

3. 校董事会学生成员评论

IV. 公开证词——下午4:30.m.

Members of the public who wish to address the board in person or by teleconference may 在网上注册公开证词 或致电206-252-0040,从2022年10月24日星期一上午8点开始.m. 公开证词名单将于2022年10月25日星期二公布. Those who are placed on the posted public testimony list may provide their testimony by dialing 206-800-4125 and using Conference ID 723 600 777#. For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit the 委员会的网站.

2克里斯Jackins目标 & Guardrails; Implementation of Student Outcomes Focused Governance; Partial suspension of Board policies; Construction at Montlake, 约翰·罗杰斯, 乙醇, 和麦迪逊
8Jo-Nell Simonian烹饪服务指导,早餐提供巧克力牛奶
10Anelise Schruder校车正规买足球的App的不平等
13Rox-Ann Kleven麦迪逊大学的装修

V. 董事会委员会报告

VI. 业务行动项目

A. 同意议程

  1. 2022年10月12日董事会例会纪要
  2. 2022年10月4日特设治理委员会会议纪要
  3. 权证报告-九月份

The following warrants as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.08、批准付款:

 普通基金  *工资 $862,469.97
 普通基金 供应商 $15,777,587.96
基本工程基金 供应商 $38,473,836.33
学生团体联合基金 供应商 $130,571.44
消耗性信托基金 供应商 $16,000.00
总计 所有 $55,260,464.70

*注-工资总额反映发给雇员的认股权证. It does not however, reflect cash transfer amounts in payment of employees’ Direct Deposit payroll.

4. Approval of Revised Student Outcomes Focused Governance 目标 and Guardrails. 核准这个项目将 approve the revised 目标 and Guardrails 见执行局行动报告附件.

5. Acceptance of the Board Ad Hoc Governance Committee’s Recommendations for Implementation of Student Outcomes Focused Governance. 核准这个项目将 accept the recommendations of the Board Ad Hoc Governance Committee for implementation of Student Outcomes Focused Governance, 如本理事会行动报告所述, 附证明文件. 在实现期间, the Board President and Superintendent will adjust or modify the plan and timeline as needed. (Updated since introduction; Materials updated 10/25/2022)

6. 部分暂停及临时修订董事会政策编号. 1240, Committees; 1220, Board Officers and Duties of the Board; 1250, School Board Student Members; 1310, 政策采纳及暂停, Manuals and Superintendent Procedures; 1400, 会议进行, 订单 of Business and Quorum; 1420, Proposed Agendas and 同意议程; 1620, Board-Superintendent Relationship; 和2015年, 选择 & Adoption of Instructional Materials; and Board Procedures 1620BP, 董事会-监管人关系程序, 和1630年英国石油公司, 对督察的评估. 核准这个项目将 partially suspend and temporarily modify Board Policy Nos. 1240, 1220, 1250, 1310, 1400, 1420, 1620, 和2015年, 和董事会程序1620BP和1630BP, 见执行局行动报告附件, to effectuate a partial suspension of the Board’s standing committees and revision in Board governance structure through July 31, 2023 with work to identify permanent policy changes scheduled for April 2023. 如果董事会在7月31日前未通过永久性变更, 2022, 部分停牌和临时修改将会结束.

B. 从同意议程中删除的项目

C. 公开听证会:买正规足球比赛的app主任地区重新划分计划

The Board will be holding a public hearing on the School Board Director District Redistricting Plan scheduled for action during this meeting. Those wishing to provide testimony on other agenda items or of a general nature should sign up to provide testimony through the process specified above.  

  • 面对面的证词: Those wishing to provide testimony during the public hearing 关于选区重划计划草案 may sign up in-person at the hearing at the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心. 当面作证将以先到者为准, 根据公开听证会报名表,先到先得.
  • 远程的证词: Testimony will also be accepted remotely by phone from those who sign up in advance to provide remote testimony through the 远程证词报名表格. Remote testimony will be taken following the conclusion of in-person testimony. Those who are placed on the remote public hearing list may provide their testimony during the hearing by dialing 206-800-4125 and using Conference ID 723 600 777 #
  • 书面意见: Persons who do not testify are encouraged to submit their written testimony to the Board Office, 怎样才能让整个董事会都能看到.  请通过这个分享你的反馈 Let’s Talk form 关于选区重划计划草案. 

D. 行动项目

  1. 批准买正规足球比赛的app董事的地区重新划分计划 (执行, 9月21日, (供核准)核准该项即核准方案7, 见本理事会行动报告附件, 作为董事会重新划分总监地区的计划. (自介绍后更新)
  2. 2022 - 2023农场到学校采购补助金 核准这个项目将 authorize the Superintendent to execute an agreement with the 华盛顿 State Department of Agriculture to receive payment of $416,442, 为学生提供营养丰富的华盛顿种植的食物, 如果有任何小的补充, 删除, 以及监狱长认为必要的修改, 并采取任何必要行动执行协议. 立即采取行动符合地区的最大利益. (介绍 & 动作)

E. 介绍项目

  1. Approval of use of Capital 基金 excess resources from BTA IV to purchase maintenance fleet vehicles and auto repair shop equipment. 核准这个项目将 authorize the Superintendent to approve the use of Capital 基金 excess Buildings, 技术, 和学术/体育(BTA) IV资源不超过1美元,800,000 for the purchase of replacement maintenance vehicles and auto repair shop equipment 如果有任何小的补充, 删除, 以及监狱长认为必要的修改 to implement the purchase.
  2. 通过《买正规足球比赛的app》 核准这个项目将 adopt the 2023 State Legislative Agenda, 见本理事会行动报告附件.

7. 董事会的评论


8. 休庭-晚上八点半.m.


A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the 校董会日历网站. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.